Inheritances in Family Business:- Everyone should know about

The term “inheritance” refers to what we inherit biologically from our parents and ancestors, which influences how well we are physically and mentally. The biological DNA that conveys memories and heirlooms from the family are what we actually inherit. In light of this, it is important to keep in mind that since we are merely an extension of our family’s genetic makeup, it is likely that some happy or terrible events from our past generations will repeat themselves in our present.

The majority of the time, these kinds of events take place to disrupt the pattern, but since we are ignorant of life and its rules, we are unable to deal with them and become caught in the never-ending cycle of stressful situations that affect both us and the generations to come. We don’t comprehend the game of inheritance that all of these things are, so we begin to blame Mother Nature.

Inheritance has been commonly used for inheriting family businesses. But can we really claim to inherit a family business? If yes, then who will be the eligible person to inherit the family biz?

Let’s first understand the spiritual nature of any Enterprise. An enterprise is the result of the collective energies of different individuals. The key stakeholders are its Founder, consumers and employees. Just like Mother Nature operates by some laws and everyone else follows them. In the same way, there is a creator of the business whom we call the founder, and other people who work directly or indirectly for the success of the enterprise. That is, the impact of the enterprise is in the lives of many people who are directly or indirectly associated with it. Therefore any decision of leading the company by any individual directly influences the lives of many people.

Business is like a child to the entrepreneur. The founder has similar thoughts to as we do regarding the healthy development and growth of our children. Because of this, there is a great deal of concern regarding the type of employees to be chosen by the company in order to ensure everyone’s financial success. Any business advances only because of competent personnel. For this reason, it is referred to as people first in the corporate world. As well, inheritance follows the same rules. Being a child of the founder does not automatically entitle you to an inheritance. Yes, the child can think about managing the firm if the founder has made his offspring deserving of the ability to do so.

Most of the problems in a family business arise when the founder has more than one child and everyone wants the same rights. Here we have to understand the mystery of nature. We will often see that the most powerful child among birds or animals gets attention from his parents. The mother pays more attention to him and feeds him more food so that he can take care of his clan further. There is a theory of Charles Darwin on this – survival of the fittest which states that organisms best adjusted to their environment are the most successful in surviving and reproducing. It is important to understand this theory here because an enterprise makes a living for many people involved, so it is important that only the person who is most capable should get the chance to lead the enterprise.

Many times it happens that if the founder has a daughter, then he lets his son-in-law run the enterprise. This brings risk of failure for the enterprise. Let us understand this in more detail.

In the relationship between man and woman, unconsciously a man always considers himself at a higher position than the woman. The same feeling of being higher in position will come to his unconscious mind when he takes on his wife’s family business. Since the enterprise was founded by the wife’s father, so as per the law of nature the wife will always have a higher position in the enterprise and this right cannot be taken by anyone. Further, in the eyes of the employees he will always be number two in position as everyone will consider his wife at the first position in the business. So here the support in terms of collective energy from the entire enterprise energy field will not support him and there will be a bigger risk of failure in the business.

Sometimes it has also seen that founders introduce their siblings in their enterprise and give them higher rank in the system irrespective of their qualification to run the business.

Consciously they do this to help their siblings so that they live a happy life and to have a better control in the enterprise and to bring certainty in everything. However, this goes against the law of nature because in nature nothing is certain. This kind of act will put the enterprise in the risk of failure because after sometime his siblings will start considering themselves equal to the founder which they can never be because the Founder will always be at the highest position. And then as the enterprise grows, the conflict in the business will grow.

In light of this, the question of whether a person would want his children to take over a business that they started naturally arises. It’s also not problematic at all to do this. But in order to do this, it is essential that his children be competent to handle the business because today many people’s livelihoods depend on it.

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