Does nature want to punish us or just trying to help us to evolve as a human race

Does nature aim to punish us or is it just attempting to encourage us to progress as a human race? We need to comprehend nature in order to comprehend this.

Our sages found nature in the form of Mother at the beginning of life. She is known as Mother Nature for this reason. A mother can never punish her child, yet there are occasions when she will discipline him in order to protect him. No matter how badly a child behaves, mothers’ love never wavers. Therefore, a mother and kid represent our relationship with Mother Nature. A youngster screaming cannot ever occur without his mother coming to comfort him.

We have the misperception that Mother Nature is beyond us and that we are not a part of it. But things don’t work that way. Although we are always connected to her, we are unable to see this connection because we don’t make an effort to do so. For instance, until the 1950s, we were not even aware of the existence of energy field bodies, thus we did not even consider the possibility. However, we began to believe it when Russian scientists found an aura in the 1950s. In the same way, despite our inability to recognise it, we are inextricably linked to Mother Nature. However, there are numerous ways that the connection can be seen.

Mother Nature never stands still. She continues to move forward. It is clear from the fact that the Ganges’ waves depart Gangotri and converge on the ocean. These waves don’t turn around. and continues having her own fun. It occasionally runs against a rock on the way and occasionally drops from a peak, but it never settles down. It just proceeds forward. This implies that nothing in nature is ever truly permanent. No one of us can stay in one place permanently. Everything advances and changes continuously. Even our bodies undergo constant alteration as we become older. We fail to grasp this obvious truth, and when we face adversity, we begin to believe that life has come to an end and that nothing will ever change. When this stress lasts for an extended period of time, several diseases accompany it.

Let’s get to the subject now: why do we have so many troubles in our lives if nature loves us so much? All of the events that happened to us while we were still in our mother's womb or in our early childhood are what really caused our problems. What kind of person we will become is determined by all the emotions we experience. This has also been demonstrated scientifically. Children are like the Ganges waves—playful, loving, always moving, and without judgment. They reside in their own amusement. But as parents, we want to shape them in the way we see fit.

And a lot of errors are made during the process. For example, reprimanding them in front of everyone, forbidding them from playing with kids from other neighborhoods, comparing them to other kids, and continuing to put pressure on them to study. We prevent children from being nurtured naturally because of all these controls. While nature does not discriminate, we are in the process of developing human beings who do. Everyone is equal in nature.

If you want to get out of your troubles, first of all understand the most important rule of nature – anything that serves no purpose disappears. This means that whatever our problems are, they have some purpose or the other. And since nature is mother, it is clear that this purpose can never be a punishment, it would be a help from nature for us to evolve as humans and change the way we have been living. Somebody can say what purpose a disease like cancer has. Cancer means the development of cells that grow without oxygen. Life cannot exist without oxygen which means the person who is battling with cancer must have consciously been thinking that the problem he has been facing has no solution and he is left with no choices in life. For him life is stuck and now there is no going forward. So to save him from immediately dying the cancerous cells develop to give him time to sort his life. Remember before we cure the actual disease we need to work on those factors which created the disease. If we follow nature and understand that every single thing happening with us has some purpose of evolution, then we will start healing our life.

If nature does not wish to punish us, one may wonder why a young son will kill himself or why a child will pass away unexpectedly. Here, it’s important to realize that this person’s decision to act in such a way indicates that he or she may have been cut off from those around him. We cannot hold nature responsible in this instance. Such deaths of our family members or friends are entirely our fault. It implies that we are not cooperating. The genuine nature of Mother Nature, which is moving forward with love and care for everyone around her, has been separated from us.

Imagine a person who is unhappy at work and who does not have much emotional support from his partner, friends, siblings, or parents. As a result, they will experience loneliness and depression. What then is nature’s fault in this? Inside of us is nature. Nature itself is what we are. Let’s take care of all of our fellow humans, animals, plants, and everything else we can see and feel, just as nature takes care of each of us and all of its living and nonliving components.

This is how humanity will advance and how the world will be made peaceful.

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